Being an adult is full of responsibilities nobody told you about: fighting with your neighbors, cleaning your bathroom sink, paying taxes, not eating carbs at night… and feeling guilty if you eat fried food. Life is already dramatic enough, so we have compiled a few tips to fry without oil or, at least, cook healthier fried food and getting back to enjoy French fries with no remorse.
The art of frying —with and without oil
We agree: eating fried food is not a gift for our organism due to several reasons. Many times oil is not clean enough, the temperature is too high, a piece of fried food can make your digestion really hard and, eventually, the circulatory system suffers.
Why we love fried and breaded food is a mystery: that crunchy feeling, the flavour with some spices, those French fries that taste like our childhood… Frying is not the only way to enjoy food, but we don’t need to remove it from our diet. You just need to be more conscious about what you eat and be sure technology evolves to serve us —most of the time. And that’s why we are here, to tell you there is no need to say farewell to fried food.
Do it yourself
Highly recommended. It does not mean that you cannot get some fries in a restaurant on your night out: it is ok to do it from time to time. But if you want to make some fried food once or twice per week, something both children and adults will love, better to cook at home. If you cook at home fried food, you will know what type of oil or fat you use, you can control cooking times, temperature, and ingredients, and you can make delicious homemade recipes and conquer the world with your fried chicken.
Use clean oil
Clean oil can be reused oil too, though it is best if you just use oil once. But, since that is not common in most homes, let’s say you can use olive oil up to three times and sunflower oil twice. Usually, we consider the oil after frying and egg quite clean; but if you fry fish and then want to use that same oil for some fries, your culinary future will not be very bright.
When we talk about clean oil, we are not only talking about how clean it looks. The chemical process during cooking affects the quality of the oil, and the kind of food we fry can also change oil composition. Try to filter oil and don’t mix different types of oils when cooking.
Don’t forget to recycle oil properly. Contact your local authorities to know how or where can you dispose of it. You can even make soap of it (being very, very careful).